Does repair work to an existing library building qualify for a grant?

Our regulations prohibit funding projects that are primarily concerned with deferred maintenance and repair. Therefore, if you are applying to the MPLCP just to repair your building (such as a new roof), that is not eligible. However, if you are applying to the grant program primarily for reasons related to building inadequacies for providing services, then yes, we would fund the replacement of the roof as part of the project. It is important to note that you cannot come into this grant application assuming that you are going to renovate an existing building, as you have to propose at least two different sites. It is your library building program that determines whether or not your existing building is sufficient, or can be altered or renovated or expanded to accommodate those services.


  • Last Updated Mar 07, 2023
  • Views 46
  • Answered By Andrea Bono-Bunker

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