If my municipality has a permanent building committee, should we just get representation on it or should we also form an additional committee specifically for the library?

That is a local decision. For the pre-planning and/or planning and design phase, you could form a library-specific committee, if the town allows, and then have representation on the permanent or standing building committee during the construction phase. It is wholly dependent on the way in which the permanent building committee operates and when they get involved in a project. If the permanent building committee must be the committee the library uses, then representation from the library is extremely important.


That is a local decision. For the pre-planning and/or planning and design phase, you could form a library-specific committee, if the town allows, and then have representation on the building committee during the construction phase. It is wholly dependent on the way in which the permanent building committee operates and when they get involved in a project. If the permanent building committee must be the committee the library uses, then representation from the library is extremely important.

  • Last Updated Mar 07, 2023
  • Views 25
  • Answered By Andrea Bono-Bunker

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